Netafim Techline EZ Blank Tubing

We also sell Techline EZ Emitter Tubing and Techline EZ Fittings to help you complete your project.

What is Netafim Techline EZ Blank Tubing? This is the brand-name distribution tubing which matches the Techline EZ emitter tubing—solid, dark brown, and UV resistant. It has a 12mm diameter and is intended primarily for on-surface irrigation.

Why Techline EZ Blank Tubing? Because it is smaller, it adapts to most planting area shapes and like all Techline tubing from Netafim, it's made from 100% post-consumer recycled products. Choosing this supply tubing is primarily an aesthetic and earth-friendly decision, as this is not the most economical distribution tubing available.

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Please note! The tubing in this picture is Techline EZ with the emitters built in. On this page you can purchase BLANK tubing with no emitters.